Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Take Action! - Tome Accion!

Write a Letter
Approximate Time: 5-10 minutes/person

Few people take the time to write letters to public officials so a handful of letters can make a big impact. That’s why we recommend that as many people as possible write about human trafficking. It is best if public officials receive a “flood” of letters but writing on behalf of many people is also an effective way of showing that many people care about this issue. If your friends are unlikely to send letters themselves, you might ask them if you can include their signatures on your letter. Personally written letters make a much bigger impact than form letters. By taking the time to write your own letter, you demonstrate that you care deeply about this issue and thought carefully about what you have written.

Escriva una carta
Aproximadamente 5-10 minutos/ persona

Pocas personas utilizan su tiempo para escribir cartas para oficiales publicos, por lo tanto una gran cantidad de cartas haria impacto. Por eso recomendamos que la mayor cantidad de personas posibles escriban sobre el trafico de personas. Es mejor que los oficiales publicos reciban un gran flujo de cartas, pero escribir en nombre de muchas personas ( pedir para que sus amigos firmen la carta) tambien sirve. Cartas personales son mucho mas efectivas que cartas formales. Por tomarse el tiempo para escribir su propria carta mustra que se importa profundamente por el asunto y que penso cuidadosamente sobre lo que escribio.

Sample Letter/Carta exemplo

Your Excellency/Consul General:

I am writing to you as someone who cares deeply about Israel and its reputation in the international community.
I am appalled by the phenomenon of human trafficking in Israel. Thousands of women have been smuggled into the country to “work” as sex slaves. These women are beaten, raped, starved and caged. The state of Israel cannot and must not allow slavery to exist within its borders.
The government must make this issue a national priority. More resources need to be dedicated to cracking down on perpetrators, assisting victims and preventing the continued smuggling of women across the Egyptian border.
As a member of the American Jewish community, I call upon the government of Israel to step up its efforts to fight this atrocity. Israel must invest greater time and resources to become a world leader in the fight to end modern slavery.
I urge you to use every opportunity to help raise this issue to the top of the national agenda.

Jane Doe


If you want more ideas to take action, click on the title.
Si quieres mas ideas para Tomar Accion, de un click en el titulo.

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